Posted by: Kim | September 3, 2007

Happy Sunday!!!!

I love Sundays.  Today was yet another great one.  I had praise team this morning and enjoyed it so much.  I am so thankful that God is allowing me to use my love of singing to hopefully minister to others and show His glory!!!  My friend Maggie did a wonderful job with a solo of Bethany Dillon’s Hero (I hope that is right).  I had never heard it before and absolutely loved it.  She also shared briefly how she was dedicating the song to her daughter who had just accepted Christ into her heart.  I don’t know how she got through that song without boo hoo’ing.  Anyway…it was a precious moment and I am so glad to have shared it.  After church we had lunch with some friends to celebrate their son’s b-day.  The kids swam and we visited out on the deck.  I even was able to get home in time to nap for about an hour!!!!  For those who don’t know…I ALWAYS nap on Sunday afternoons.  It is very rare that I will give up my nap time.  I think I have just conditioned my body to rest at that time.  My hubby can’t stand it but is somewhat accepting and most of the time will leave me alone.  He has figured out by now that if I get my nap, I am much easier to get along with.   We aren’t having services tonight so my family is loading up and going to a local church to see M’s friend get baptized.  He accepted Christ this past Thursday evening and I am THRILLED.  He is such a precious boy (next door neighbor) and I know God has wonderful things in store for him and his family.  I don’t know if the parents are Christians or not but I am thinking that I should find out.  Man…wouldn’t it be awesome if that child led his family to Jesus!!!   So, we are looking forward to being able to show our support for this boy tonight.  Oh, when I told G that Goldilocks (Maggie’s daughter) had accepted Jesus into her heart, she told me that she wants to do that sometime.  She has a ways to go yet and I want her to completely understand and experience the forgiveness of Christ when she makes that decision.  It will come…I know it will…in HIS time because HIS time is perfect.  My job is to teach her and expose her to Church (which I do and she loves) and to pray for her every day.  Whew…I love that little girl.  It wasn’t long ago that she told someone “I want Jesus to come into my heart but my mommy won’t let him.”  HAHAHAHAHA…that was a hoot.  I will never forget that one.  Another G funny before I go…yesterday we were at a yard sale at the associate pastor’s home and he had a shoe box of “junk” toys.  My 2 girls were with him going through the box and G looked at him and said…”Boy…this sure is a box full of fun!!”  That kid is soooo funny.  I hope everyone has a great night and great Labor Day!!!

 Blessings – K 


  1. I thought today was an awesome service, too!

    I missed a yard sale yesterday? I guess that’s what I get for playing at the lake all day!

    Love you!

  2. 9-4-07

    Siesta!!! Where have YOU been today. You will find about 5 calls on your caller ID. So, now, you’re it!

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